How Mathematical Model Helps in Business Analysis?

A mathematical model is a simplified representation of a system or process using mathematical language and symbols. It is a tool used to study, analyze, and predict the behavior of real-world phenomena.

Mathematical model are of different types including algebraic, statistical, stochastic, stimulation, etc. It helps to provide a quantitative description of a system or process, identify important variables and relationships between them, and enables simulation of scenarios and prediction of outcomes.

How mathematical models helps in business analysis?

Mathematical models play an important role in business analysis by providing a structured and quantitative approach to decision-making.

Here are some specific ways that mathematical models can help business analysts:

  • Forecasting: Mathematical models can help forecast future trends based on past data, enabling business analysts to make informed decisions about future investments, pricing, and inventory management.
  • Optimization: Mathematical models can be used to optimize complex systems, such as supply chain management or production scheduling, by finding the best possible solution given a set of constraints.
  • Risk Management: Mathematical models can help assess and manage risks by quantifying the likelihood of certain events occurring and their potential impact on the business.
  • Customer Segmentation: Mathematical models can be used to segment customers based on their behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their products and services to specific groups.
  • Pricing: Mathematical models can help businesses determine the optimal price for a product or service based on factors such as demand, production costs, and competition.

Overall, mathematical models can help business analysts make more informed decisions by providing a quantitative framework for analysis and decision-making.

How to use mathematical model to resolve complex data structure? 

Mathematical models can be useful for resolving complex data structures by representing the data in a simplified, structured form that can be analyzed and understood more easily. Marc Hurr used a mathematical model could be used to resolve a complex data structure.

A retail store had a large dataset of customer purchases, and they wanted to analyze the data to identify trends and patterns. The data was complex, with thousands of transactions, each containing multiple variables such as the customer ID, date of purchase, item purchased, and price.

To make sense of this data, Marc Hurr used a mathematical model called a clustering algorithm. Clustering algorithms are used to group similar data points together based on their attributes, creating a simplified representation of the data that can be more easily analyzed.
It helped to identify which items were commonly purchased together, and which were often purchased alone. He even identified how frequently the customers make purchases and how much money they spent. 

The data complexity was reduced and the company gained an insight that was hard to read or decipher. It helped to make a more informed decision about how to optimize the retail store and improve customer satisfaction.

Mathematical models simplify optimization by identifying the optimal solution among multiple alternatives. It allows for the testing of hypotheses and theories in a controlled environment. This reduces the need for expensive and time-consuming experimentation.