Drunk Drivers On St. Patrick’s Day– Watch Out!

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated all over the United States by the Irish people. There are many fun things to do, and they get started early in the morning on this day. Consuming alcohol is a part of the festivity of St. Patrick’s Day. For this reason, drunk driving cases tend to increase heavily during the holiday season. This results in more injuries, more accidents, and more arrests. 

If you are celebrating this day and plan on drinking, it is advisable to make travel arrangements before you go out. However, if there is no designated driver in your group, take a taxi on your way back home to avoid a drunk driving accident. If you have already been in one, speak to a Las Vegas drunk driver accident lawyer today. 

Drunk driving hazards on St. Patrick’s Day. 

People in the US lose their lives due to drunk driving daily. The cases seem to spike every year on St. Patrick’s Day. Drunk drivers cause one-third of the road accidents on this day. If you are going out, watch out for drunk drivers, as they can swerve in traffic and behave unpredictably. 

If you suspect any driver of drunk driving, pick up your phone and inform the authorities about the number plate, color, and location of the car. 

Avoiding dangerous situations on St. Patrick’s Day

Make sure to maintain a safe gap between you and any drunk driver you see around you. If one is right in front of your vehicle, slow down. Try to overtake the car safely and move past them. Try to get as far from their vehicle as you can. 

While you may want to teach them a lesson, be careful about taking any action against the drunk driver. Do not try to talk to them by rolling down your window or flashing your headlights. If you must do something, inform the police. 

How do you stay safe?

If you are taking your vehicle on the road on St. Patrick’s Day, here are some safety tips for you:

  • Wear the seatbelt: No matter if you have the best driving skills, you can not control the actions of other drivers. Therefore, make sure you and all the other passengers are wearing them. 
  • Drive defensively: If you do not know defensive driving, it is time to learn those skills now. 
  • Watch out for pedestrians: Keep an eye on drunk pedestrians as they can appear at an unexpected time and location.