Top Crypto Projects Based On Ethereum

Decentralized applications [dApps] that run on the Ethereum blockchain are countless. Ethereum app was designed as a ‘world computer’. It is the first blockchain with a smart contract feature. A smart contract is a set of algorithms designed to self-execute the moment pre-set conditions are fulfilled. The decentralized financial instruments work using smart contracts without any central authority. 

Top crypto projects based on Ethereum

  1. DeFi Protocol 

Ethereum projects are aimed at DeFi [Decentralized Finance] protocols that aim to expand cryptocurrencies’ utility from daily transactions to complex financial use like loans and derivatives. 


Uniswap is a popular decentralized exchange. It uses an automated market marker system that facilitates trade. It is the first platform that created an automated liquidity protocol. Users can subsidize with liquidity pools and earn rewards. Owning UNI offers the user to have a say in anticipated alterations to the platform. 


MakerDao is a creator of stablecoin DAI. Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies with stable value to the currency it is pegged with. Pegging offers a major advantage to lending protocol. It allows users to take loans without concerns of getting liquidated because of crypto market price volatility. Unlike USDC, USDT and other stable coins pegged with the colossal US dollar, Dai is supported by ETH. 


Aave is designed for borrowing and lending cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Aave protocol can manage stable interest rates, huge lending pools for different crypto assets, attention tokens, and collateralized loans. Users can easily borrow funds from another Aave user. 

Depending on the supply and demand, some assets can have variable interest rates, while a few have more stable rates. Aave is popular for its significantly large liquidity pool. if you desire to store an Aave token use wrapped Ethereum wallet to store it. Ethereum wallet is available on ZenGo X website. You can even gain plenty of information about cryptocurrency on this platform. 

Curve Finance

It is an AMM or Automated Market Maker. It supports stability over uncertainty and volatility. Curve Finance can be treated as DeFi saving account because it is stable and offers a cheap transaction fee. It offers the lowest slippage and temporary loss levels by consolidating liquidity pools around similar assets.


It is a dApp that scans decentralized exchanges to find the lowest price of a given cryptocurrency. It is a great crypto exchange aggregator that offers traders lots of cheap entry points as well as averts problems like slippage.

  1. The Metaverse

There are plenty of Metaverse projects cropping up every day. Nevertheless, some popular ones will survive. Currently, the ones that can become ubiquitous are –


Sandbox is a game designed to earn. It uses blockchain technology, NFTs, and DeFi to create a 3D metaverse. Users can create and customize their own digital assets and games using design tools. Sell the created virtual goods on the Sandbox marketplace to gain sand tokens. 


Decentraland allows users to purchase virtual property and develop it like real-world estate and maintain it as an online business. You can visit popular spots, go gambling in a casino or enjoy shopping, invest in land, and rent it to favorite companies….possibilities are limitless!